June 3, 1977: First issue of Gusto -- Jerry Garcia interview

One of the high points of my career. This interview was saved from back in early May to be part of the first issue of the new entertainment magazine. June 3, 1977 Gusto Jerry Garcia He talks about t he Grateful Dead a nd New Directions It has the air of an initiation. Memorial Auditorium is half-dark and almost empty. The ringing notes of a solitary electric guitar seem to dwarf the technicians on the floor. Then the guitar stops. The sound check is over. It’s time. “You here to talk to the band?” It’s Danny Rifkin, road manager for the Grateful Dead. “There’s a reporter here from another paper too. You want to do it together or by yourself? It’s up to you.” It’s 90 minutes before showtime. Already hundreds of faithful are milling about outside for what promises to be a transcendental evening – as c...