Aug. 19, 1977 cover story: Skateboarding

Hot pursuit of the next Gusto cover story leads to another amusement park. Aug. 19, 1977 Skateboarding All it takes to slide into America ’s latest craze is to live in close proximity to someone too young in body or spirit to have any respect for the laws of gravity. Give them a piece of pavement and off they go, riding a device that for all practical purposes is a suicide machine. They make it look so simple. It’s estimated that 20 million have become hooked on the precarious joys of skateboarding since the boom began in California two years ago. That state is now paved over with skateboard parks, all full of rolling daredevils. There’s even talk of giving skateboarders observer status at the next Olympic Games. The components have been around for a long time. The Hawaiians fashioned the firs...