Dec. 2, 1977 record review: Christmas shopping with Jethro T. Megahertz

Another unexpected encounter with my imaginary friend. Dec. 2, 1977 I was standing in the check-out line of my friendly neighborhood record store when suddenly from behind a display of Debby Boone albums came a familiar sound. It was a deep, mellifluous, school-of-broadcasting voice imitating Steve Martin: “Ex-CUUUUUSE me. I’ve got a little gadget here that no record lover should be without.” It was Jethro T. Megahertz, the legendary media wizard, all spiffed up in a white suit and tie. In his hand was a device that resembled a tricorder from the old “Star Trek” TV show. It blinked its lights and issued a stream of digital and alphabetical reports. “Megahertz, you scoundrel,” I accosted him. “I thought you retired to a quiet life of listening to public radio stations. How come you’re out peddling friendl...