Dec. 9, 1977 feature: Gospel music maven Brother Ted

Say hallelujah! Dec. 9, 1977 Brother Ted Fans Fires of Gospel Roosevelt T. Johnson, better known to his listeners as Brother Ted, sits at a desk in the Saturday morning emptiness of the WUFO radio offices listening to tapes of sermons that will air the following day. “I’m responsible for the entire Sunday programming,” he explains, “and Saturday until noon. We have a policy. We don’t allow soothsayers or guarantee prophets. I worked hard to get them removed. We had a lot of problems, but I was determined to get true religious programming, not pie in the sky by and by. If you’ve got a dollar, you’re blessed to have it. Most of these acts were just frauds and schemes.” That policy came to the station when Johnson came there in 1968. He knew religion well, but his background is evangelical, not my...